Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Residual Income

Residual Income is awesome.....and the only way to go!  And the funny thing is, the average worker or employee just doesn't even think about this because it is not normal.

The average person knows that in order to earn an income, you go to a job, punch 8 hours...punch out and go home.  If you get sick you have 5 or 10 sick days.  And you get to take a vacation where you don't have to work at all.....and you get to do what ever you want for a week or two...and you still get paid!!!!

But when it is all have to go back to work!

Well wealthy people know that it can be different.  Most wealthy folks look for all sorts of ways to earn a residual income or passive income.....income that just keep's coming in to their bank accounts.  Automatic incomes!

So if you were a rock star and you make an album or CD and people buy them you get a royalty.....or a payment...anytime someone buys your CD.  Isn't that work hard and then you stop.  And you keep getting paid over and over again. Hmmmmm....doesn't that sound better than punching the old time clock?

Well of course it sounds better....duh.....but it doesn't seem to be the norm.  It doesn't sound like the average person can take advantage of getting a residual know like a rock star does.

Back in the day, many folks accumulated huge amounts of wealth through manufacturing....especially in the United States.  But that has been on the decline over the last couple of decades because the cost of labor is cheaper over seas as compared to what it is in America.  But the original owners of these great manufacturing companies created an idea....and mass produced it....and then just sat back and watched the money flow.

Think of some modern day companies such as Apple.  They create a product and get it manufactured over in China.....and then just sit back and watch the money flow in.

So when ever the average person looks at any sort of income that just flows......or a residual income.....well they think that you have to be a rock star or some rich guy who gets his products manufactured over seas....and obviously the average person can't do that.

Now what about an author or writer?  Well now the average person can start to think that it is at least somewhat within grasp.....but not quite.  I mean really an author who writes a book has to be locked up some where and write for a year or two in order to produce a novel or something.  But then getting paid a percentage or royalty on all of the copies of their books.....okay the average person can kind of relate to that kind of residual income.

Well let's list a couple of other occupations that can produce a residual income......that the average person can relate to.

The first one that comes to my mind is the copywriter.  Now notice the is NOT copyright.....which is protective rights on words that you have ownership or authorship over.  I said copywriter.  A copywriter writes ad or sales copy.  basically they write ad's, sales pieces and even speeches.

So copy writing is sales, or the art of persuasion, through the written word.  And people who write copy, especially when they are independent  usually get paid a royalty for their work.....or residual income.  So if they wrote all the ad's for a major mail campaign they would get paid a certain amount of money.....and usually also get paid a royalty for each piece that is mailed out.  But what happens if the campaign worked out real well.....and the client wanted to use it over again?

Well the copywriter would get paid again by earning a royalty on each piece mailed out.  Well that sounds cool.  The copywriter works....and then keeps getting paid over and over again.  They get a residual income.

Yeah but there is one problem.  The average person usually doesn't have what it takes to be a successful copywriter.  And oh order to get a job as a copywriter you need experience, but if you can't get a can't get experience. residual income!

Ahhhh.....but there is a way.  In fact there is a way for the average person and that would be by blogging.  You see the person is the one that chooses....not a boss or a client.  And by various methods of generating an income, any average person could generate a residual income.

And the greatest part of it is that the income can keep on coming for years to come.

Years ago I started to follow a person who is a copywriter but he used his skills by doing his own products and websites, instead of writing for clients.  And although I don't think that is right for me to disclose how much he has made, but I will say that he has made quite a bit of money.

Now one of the sites that he made, which was devoted to one particular product has been online and generating a passive and residual income for him and his family for over a decade.  Month after month, year after year......he keeps getting an income from his efforts of his work.....that he did more than a decade ago.

Well let's just say that that not only does that impress drives me to become a better blogger.  It drives me because this is something that any average person can do.....if you have the right system and method of earning income from your blogging efforts.

Instead of me repeating more about this, I did a blog post this morning about this guy's site.  If earning a residual income is something that interest's you, take a look at THE REST OF THE STORY here.

I am pretty sure that you will agree....a residual income is the only way to go!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Income For Bloggers

Income for Bloggers is always a welcomed discussion among bloggers when they get together.  And most bloggers have their own favorites for generating income.  Some like PPC or Pay Per Click ads  and others like affiliate programs.  And then others like to promote informational products such as eBooks.

Well my personal favorite happens to be an affiliate program.  But that's me and maybe I will cover it more in a few minutes.  But how much traffic we get is really what will help you decide what type if income for bloggers that you choose.

What do I mean by that?  Let's play with some numbers and explore this a little.  So if you are getting about 10 visitors a day, well PPC ads aren't going to be of much use to you.  And that's because if you only get a few cents per click.....well....I think you should keep your day job.

Now if you were getting 100's or even 1,000's of visitors per day.....well now PPC ads may be a great idea.

But in my opinion....and that is all that this is, I would prefer using an affiliate program for sites that were low in traffic pass through.  And my favorite in my opinion also helps people who are unemployed....or under employed.

I mean if you can take a free program with a free blog site and get someone started at something......something that makes them feel in control a little bit.....well that has value in my opinion.

And then there are products.  If you love to write and you find a product that you can write about.....well you could start a blog totally dedicated to that product.  And that doesn't have to clutter up your main site.  You just send traffic to it or dominate the search results page for that product and there you go....income for bloggers!

 Anyway these are just a couple of ideas and in fact, we go a lot deeper into the subject of income for bloggers on a different site.  So why don't you check it out and see if the information can help you out.

You can find it here at BE A BLOGGER.BIZ and I hope you enjoy the site!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Financial Time Machine

Financial Time Machine?  Yeah...that's what jumped into my mind when I watched this video.  You see I used to work on corporate and private jets and that's what they really are.

A Time Machine!!!  Well watch this video first and then I will share with you how you can save Time with your career...and get a Financial Time Machine career instead.

What do I mean?  Well watch the video first but let's say you could work 1 or 2 hours per day instead of what we consider the norm?

Here is the video:

Wow what a difference right?

I used to travel a lot and I have had the very good fortune of flying on a few corporate and private jets.

The biggest shock for me personally was flying back and forth to San Antonio for a 10 month period.  It would take me hours and hours to get there.  I would have to get up early and get ready.  Jump in the car and get down to Hartford, CT.  Then check in and get through TSA.  Then wait and wait.  Then we would fly to Baltimore and land.  Then wait and wait.  Then finally off to San Antonio.  Land and get a rental car.  And then drive to a different airport at the other end of San Antonio and finally I would get there right around 1 PM their time.

Well the shocker was when we were ready to take my clients airplane home.  What a difference!!!

We said our good byes and walked out to the ramp outside the hangar.  I threw my bag into the cargo hold and then walked up the stairs, dropped my back pack....took off my sneakers...and plopped into the seat.  The one in front of the wide screen TV :)

Then we took off.  Oh and just be able to walk around when ever you want awesome!!!

Freedom is good!!!

But we flew in pretty much a straight line, which is different than the airlines....because they have to follow a path determined by the controllers.

Before long we were setting up for a landing at Hartford....and I was startled.  I never imagined that a huge amount of time could be chopped flying in a straight line....and going straight from point A to point B.

We landed, I grabbed my bag from the cargo hold and walked into the hangar to my office.

WOW.....what a difference!!!

Now you may ask...what does this have to do with blogging?

Well I work now for about 1 or 2 hours a day.  And to me....the work load of 1 or 2 hours per day is the point A.  Point B is the income.  And normally we work 8 hours a day to make X amount of money.  And that's called a job.

BUT There are other ways to go from point A to point B.....and faster ways too!

Well do you want to work 8 hours a day getting from point A to point B?  Or do you want to work 1 to 2 hours each day going from point A to point B?

And that's what being a blogger is all about.

Are you ready to learn more?  if so check out this link and see how you can get a financial time machine right here at Be a Great Blogger !

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Be a Blogger.Biz Chat Room

Be a Blogger.Biz Chat Room was just added on a sister site for your convenience if you feel like stopping in during your internet travels.

Now even though I only blog for an hour or two on my money blog.....I do have other blogs.  And today I was thinking that it would be so much better to communicate with fellow bloggers from around the world, if we had a place that was always there for us.

So we installed the chat room and it was great because within 15 minutes, a guy that I know in New Zealand popped in.  It was great and I think that this feature will become popular with some of our visitors and friends that blog.

I expect that we will be pretty popular in that room in the near future and also have planned a live Meeting Place available as well.

With that being said.....keep us in mind when you visit and stop in and say hello.  We are friendly and you don't have to be bashful!

So make new friends...hang out and talk about blogging and learn more!

Be a Blogger Chat Room 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How The Heck Do I Get a Job

How The Heck Do I Get a Job is something that I typed into Google one day.  And if you found this page......ha,ha, probably just typed in the same thing.

In fact, so many people search for How The Heck Do I Get a Job!

The reason for it is simple........we get so frustrated in today's job market.  There are about 23 million folks out of work.  And seeing that the supply of potential workers is so high.......and demand or the amount of potential jobs are so low.....the employers can afford to be real picky on who they choose.

And if you are one of the 23 million folks who need a job......well that stinks.

Then one day you get so ticked off at the sit in front of your computer and you type in How The Heck Do I Get a Job just like I did!

Now you may feel a little silly that you did that.  And you may even feel sillier that you actually found a blog post or other pages that address that question.

Well don't feel silly because if you look at the top of the search engine page of results, depending on which search engine you used and when you asked that question, you may be surprised to see that between 90 million and 125 million results came up.  That means an awful lot of people are just like us.

So I understand fully how frustrated you must feel.  I had a career in corporate and private jet aviation that lasted 38 years.  And then my business started to slow down.....and then I got sick.  Now I didn't ask to get sick.....but I did.

And after a year of recuperating to the point where I could get back to work, I felt like I was going to go crazy from trying to find a job.  Well, I actually did type in one day, How The Heck Do I Get a Job and maybe you did that too.

But here is a twist.  What if we thought a little different about the problem?

What if we asked a different question?  What if we asked...Do I need a new job.....or do I need a business of my own?

You see I have a little thing in the back of my mind that says.....maybe finding a new job may just postpone the inevitable.  Now I am sure that there may be a great company out there and perhaps there is a great job for me.  And I would certainly entertain it.

But what if the next job just falls apart if the economy burbs again?  And then if I am out of work again.....will I find a job again?  If long will I have to wait for the next job?

You see if we are not going forward we are going backwards and if we keep losing our source of will we take care of our family?  How would we ever expect to retire some day?

Well anyway, I just wrote a blog post on this very subject and you may just like it if you read it.

Because with every problem there needs to be an answer.

So the question of How The Heck Do I Get a Job needs an answer.  But is that really the question that we should be asking?

Well click on this link and find out what I really think that we should be asking and stop asking this question....How The Heck Do I Get a Job ?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

WAHM - Work at Home Mom

WAHM or Work at Home Mom as it is also known as, is an incredible opportunity for mom's to not only stay at home and be with their kids.......but also allows them to make a great income.  And a flexible income as well!

Being a mom is such an incredible opportunity and such a blessing  But the years go by really quick.

Before you know it your new baby is talking....and then walking and then the next thing that you know.....they need a prom dress!  LOL....but is an awesome journey.

And unfortunately with the economy the way it is today, many mothers have to make a very hard choice when it comes to income.

Do I spend time going after the career?  Or do I stay home with the kids and raise them the way that you think that they should be raised.......and starve?

Well what if that choice could be easier to make.  Suppose you could actually weed through the scams and the dopey things that they say are Work at Home Mom type of jobs.....and actually find something that was worth while doing.

A friend of mine is a very successful online marketer and he recently shared something with me.  Now he was showing it to me because I had some blog sites that needed more traffic.  And he showed me that by linking and back linking to this traffic producing site....I could get more traffic.

Well he was right and I am so thankful that he kept bugging me to take a look at it.  Let's face it...when a millionaire tells you to look at something.....well I really should have looked at it right away!

You know....instead of  waiting for several weeks!  Duh....won't do that again :)

Anyway....I am having such a blast with this new site....and blogging everyday, well it dawned on me that this would be perfect for Work at Home Mom's.  I mean....I am at home all day recreating my why wouldn't a mom like it too?

So if you want to learn more about being a Work at Home Mom....and actually have a meaningful income from it....not like stuffing envelopes or something crazy like that.......take a look at a new post I just wrote on that subject.

Click on Work at Home Moms to learn more!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Need A Bigger Gun

We need a bigger gun is the title of a recent blog post that I did on our new blog site.

So whats so special about that site.....that I would even mention it on this site?  Well first of all it is also written about being a blogger.

But the difference is that the new BIGGER site.....has horsepower built into it.  In fact the potential, as many business owners and online marketers are now finding turning out to be huge!

Any of us can decide that we want to try blogging as an extra source of income.  And we can get a free blog site just like this one. be successful at blogging and to make money at need traffic.  And sure the smaller free site can get there.....some day.....but what if we had a bigger gun?

Well take a look at this blog post.... We Need a Bigger Gun and see how it can show you how to get more traffic to your existing blog well as MAGNUM like traffic to a new site!

And I think that you will find the story funny as well!


And Happy New Year!!!!