Be a Blogger

Be a Blogger!  Why?

Think of this for a moment.  So many jobs in America have disappeared.   The blue collar manufacturing jobs have declined in great numbers.  But what has risen, has been technology related jobs.

In fact, much of the wealth being generated today is in the internet or computer related businesses.  Look at how big Google, Apple and YouTube have gotten.  Oh and let's not forget Facebook.

Have you seen any millionaires or billionaires being created lately......from those companies?

Yup.......exactly my point!

And what about you?  Have you ever thought of getting into an online business of some sort?  Well it sure is appealing, especially seeing that a website or blog works for you.....around the clock.  24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, a website could be pulling in profits for you each and every day.

Do you really think that the old plan of work for 40 years and get your gold watch and a great retirement is still the way to go?

Well the fact of the matter is that the majority will never see that dream come true anymore.  At least not the way the economy and job mark has turned.  So many people have seen their careers wiped out or at the very least downsized.  And some of those poor people will never work again in their original career field ever again.

That my friend is so sad!!!

So we hear about people who are bloggers, so what exactly do they do.....and how do they get paid?

Well a blog site is very similar to a website, except that search engines love blogs because they basically represent up to date and current content.

By the way, content is nothing more than information, which of course is what we humans look for on the internet.

So if the search engines like blogs......what is wrong with a website.  Nothing really, it's just that a lot of websites have pages that haven't been updated in a while.  They some times just sit there and don't get updated too often.

And how do these bloggers get paid?  Well sometimes they get paid by having those little ad's on their blogs...I am sure that you have seen those on some sites.  When visitors click on those.....the blogger gets paid.

Sometimes they get paid for products or services that are listed on their sites.  That could be products that they are selling themselves.....OR.....sometimes they get paid as an Affiliate.  And now you ask....whats an Affiliate?

An Affiliate is a person who referred a visitor to the blog site or website.  They get paid a percentage of what ever that sale price was for the product.  The thinking behind that is that if it wasn't for that blog site......maybe the visitor never would have bought the product.  So instead of the manufacturer spending money on advertising, you order to make that sale.....instead they give money to you....or the blogger.

Does that sound like a strange way of being paid?  Well have you ever heard of  They are an affilliate company.  When you buy products from their site, they get paid as an affiliate.  And if you wanted to advertise products for Amazon, you could apply to be an affiliate for them.  Next time you visit their site, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.  You will find an "Affiliate" link their.

And most times, these affiliate profits that are paid to the blogger, are in levels or tiers.  That means that they usually get paid more if the price of the item is a big ticket item.....or maybe just because it is a computer related item or something.  But anyway, sometimes the compensation for being an affiliate is based on different levels.

Now I know what you are can't build a blog.  You feel that you don't have the technical experience or knowledge to create a you could be a blogger.  And maybe you don't think that you could write very well......right?

But what if you could have your own blog?  What could make some money by being a blogger?  What if you could be a blogger....and have NO ceiling on how much you could be paid?

What could get paid......every single day.....of every single week.....of every single month?

Would that be interesting to you?  Would that help your family out.......or possibly replace an income that perhaps you lost?

SO.....what if all the techno babble was taken care of for you?

What if you could have a blog of your own that worked 24 hours a day to rake in profits for you.....even when you are sleeping?  AND it was already made for you?

So let's think about that for a minute.  If we could have a blog of our own.....maybe already built.....and maybe already plugged into an unbelievable flow of traffic.  Suppose all that we would have to do is to add some content....a little bit everyday.  And that could be in the form of a short video.....or just a short, plain every day form of language.....talking about something that we love.

For example, perhaps you love to travel, and you write a few paragraphs on a weekend trip that you made.  Or maybe you took your kids pumpkin picking......or maybe shopping......or maybe out hiking.

You know, something that you like personally.

I have a friend who writes about know....cakes and cup cakes and things.

Look at it this you write on Facebook?  That isn't so difficult is it....especially once you get used to it?

And here is the big question.  Does Facebook PAY YOU?  Ha,ha,ha.....yea I didn't think so!!!

So could you be a blogger?  Would it be possible to make some extra cash?  Would it be possible to get paid every day......deposited right into your own bank account? makes you think doesn't it?  If there are so many millionaires created in the internet world.....could you or I make at least some extra money?  How about a full time income?

Well now that we are thinking in that much could we make?

Could I be a blogger?

Well take a look at what my friend showed me recently.  Oh.....and he has made an extremely sick income over the last year or so.

But take a look at the site that the link that I give you....takes you to.  Watch the videos that are on the site.  Click the buttons and look around.....because this is the site that I got when I joined as an affiliate.....and as a blogger.

And if you ever thought of perhaps having an online business......this business could be yours.  Exactly what you what you would get.....ALREADY BUILT for you.

And I could personally help you and train you, but I am not so sure that you would need it.

You see, when a person joins and decides that they want to be a blogger......they have to go step by step through a fantastic training program.  Video after video, step by step.....they teach you how to become a blogger.

Now I already have this blogger system and I will tell is so easy to open it up.....and ad a blog entry each day.  I can even show you online from the comfort of your own home.

But then again.....they are so great at the training program, I doubt that you would ever need me.

Well.....I would help you anyway if you need help.  Every step of the way!  So if this sounds like you may be interested in having your own online business......don't be afraid.  Just check it on the buttons and don't won't break it.

And think about it.  If you had a blogger site like this.....that worked for you 24 hours a day.....and when someone came across your site and bought a system for themselves ....the money would go right into your account.  That my friend is so cool!!  Automatic and already built for you!!

So take a few minutes and check out this site and see what you think.  Check out Level ONE Network and then we have created a brand new site just to help people see the full potential of their new company - AND - to answer those questions that we know you will have.  So you can visit that site by Clicking Here.

Well check out Level ONE Network and I sure hope that you appreciate this company as much as I do!

I wish you the very best....and don't forget to come back and visit us.  This is a brand new we will be adding quite a few pages and lots of tips.

Thanks for stopping in!!!